Black Dimensions in Art, Inc and Living Resources' 70 Beekman Street Gallery proudly present BDA on Beekman, an exhibit featuring paintings, drawings, and photographs by BDA artists. Artists include Daesha Devon Harris, Takeyce Walter, Francelise Dawkins, Clifford Oliver, Stephen J. Tyson, Royal Brown, Bianca Dilella, Marcus Kwame Anderson, George W. Simmons, Fred Moody, and Anita...
Join us Friday September 7th, 4-7 pm for the 14th annual Summer In The City Youth Talent Exhibition at the Albany Barn. 56 Second Street, Albany NY. The exhibit will feature some of the work of the children who attended BDA's Summer Art Camp. Come support the kids and enjoy the art and refreshments!
In collaboration with Opalka Gallery, Black Dimensions in Art, Inc. is pleased to present a new solo exhibition from the artist ransome. Over a sixty-year period, Black people left behind poverty and Jim Crow in search of new lives in the North, Midwest, and West. In new paintings, installation, and sculpture, he reflects on this...