We are an organization in New York’s Capital Region whose mission is to educate the public about the unique contributions of artists of the African Diaspora, to provide exposure and sales opportunities for artists of African descent, and to encourage youth of African descent in the practice, application, and appreciation of the arts.

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Up South:

Reflections on the Great Migration

Opalka Gallery March 7th - April 22nd, 2023

In collaboration with Opalka Gallery, Black Dimensions in Art, Inc. is pleased to present a new solo exhibition from the artist ransome. Over a sixty-year period, Black people left behind poverty and Jim Crow in search of new lives in the North, Midwest, and West. In new paintings, installation, and sculpture, he reflects on this defining moment in America’s history and the ways in which his work is interwoven with this historic narrative.

Unrest Exhibit

Albany Barn November 9th - December 7th, 2020

This exhibition, which took place at the Albany Barn between November 9th and December 7th, 2020, featured artists addressing the challenges of this time through the power of visual expression. 2020 was a tumultuous year. In the month of May citizens took to the streets to protest the continued killings of unarmed Black people at the hands of the police. This unfolded against the backdrop of a global pandemic occurring during an especially contentions election year. Black Dimensions in Art, Inc asked the artists to interpret and define unrest visually through their artwork.